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Conducting Clinical Trials During COVID-19: Lessons for the Next Pandemic

The coronavirus is not the first infectious disease that has forced clinical trials to adapt. Zika, Ebola and other diseases called for the world to adjust and collaborate global research efforts. With COVID-19, the rapid spread and impact on global healthcare systems forced us to change our trial management and accelerate our processes like never before. The global research community have already discovered and developed several tests and vaccines in record time through collaboration. Yet we are still working on predictive biomarker testing to identify people who are at the most risk of developing severe symptoms, epidemiological, vaccine and genetic studies.

To facilitate testing, research, and innovation and to ensure trials continued, Cerba Research and Cerba Healthcare adapted our capabilities and facilities to push research continuity.

Watch this webinar and discover the answers to these questions:

  • Did we succeed, how fast did we adapt and are we ready to face a new pandemic crisis in the future?
  • How did we maintain the high security and confidence of testing, and what did our reactivity and proactivity mean in the context of a health crisis?

Webinar – Conducting Clinical Trials During COVID-19 Lessons for the Next Pandemic

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