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Leveraging Medical Laboratory Data for Patient Recruitment

Connecting real-world laboratory data from clinical sites and digitalizing patient data – the power of Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCT) to change the trials of tomorrow

Digitalization continues to provide an impetus to move away from centralized, high-cost and difficult-to-access settings to more virtual, patient-centric and decentralized clinical trial (DCT) models. Our methods need to be more patient-centric, and we need to collaborate to find remote solutions.

Thanks to digitization, we can now decentralize clinical trials and put patient data in front of research success. In partnership with Biokortex, Cerba research will show participants of this webinar a picture of the future: how clinical trials will look tomorrow. New technologies allow us to imagine a whole new process for drug development and assays. This new way of thinking reduces costs and enhances access to data. The world is evolving fast, and we need to develop accordingly. Agility, adaptability and digitization need to be the new keywords for a more manageable and secure development.

Watch the recording of this webinar to learn more about patient recruitment for decentralized clinical trials.

Webinar – Leveraging Medical Laboratory Data for Patient Recruitment

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