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Biomarkers in Immuno-Oncology: Identifying and Implementing Biomarker Testing from Exploratory Research to Clinical Trials

Biomarkers are at the heart of Immuno-Oncology. In this webinar, we will walk you through three case studies to highlight the importance of biomarkers, using different methodologies. Why do some patients respond better to I/O therapeutics than others? What is Flow Cytometry’s role in immunophenotyping? Where does Immunohistochemistry come in? What is the Tumor Mutation Burden, how does it impact I/O research?

Amanda Finan, Head of IHC R&D Cerba Research, Nithianandan Selliah, Global Head of Flow Cytometry Cerba Research, and Raouf Ben Abdelali, Head of the Hematology and Oncology Division, Cerba Laboratory will guide you through their respective fields of expertise and answer the above questions.

Webinar – Biomarkers in Immuno-Oncology Identifying and Implementing Biomarker Testing from Exploratory Research to Clinical Trials

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