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Genomic For Infectious Diseases

With years of experience in infectious disease trials, we are dedicated to enhancing your project with our genomics for infectious diseases.

Genomics For Infectious Diseases

At Cerba Research, we offer high-quality processing of samples with superior services, including fast turnaround times for testing results, rapid response to individualized needs, and tailor-made reporting to match your data management requirements. These include laboratory analyses of clinical samples, as well as dedicated data analyses and reporting.

We can provide testing of any type of clinical specimen using commercially available assays or our in-house validated assays.

Our Genomic Services for Infectious Diseases

Our service unit has been structured in a way that allows for efficient handling of both small batches of individual samples and large sets of samples required for clinical trials.

We offer molecular virology, bacteriology, and pathology diagnostic solutions using a broad range of cutting-edge equipment.

Broad bacterial screening can be performed using various singleplex or multiplex real-time PCR-based assays, detecting infectious diseases such as:

● Haemophilus influenza
● Moraxella catarrhalis
● Mycoplasma pneumoniae
● Legionella spec
● Pseudomonas aeruginosa
● Streptococcus pneumoniae
● Staphylococcus aureus
● Streptococcus pyogene

Cerba Research Genomic Capabilities For Infectious Diseases

We are your trusted partner for your Genomic needs in Infectious Diseases



Whole Exome Sequencing

Whole Genome Sequencing

Single Cell Sequencing

RNA – sequencing

B-Cell Receptor / T-Cell Receptor Sequencing



As well as antiviral testing, we offer analysis solutions for bacterial strains through microbiome analysis with 16S rDNA methodology to enhance the clinical development of anti-bacterial therapies.
Besides microbiome analysis, Cerba Research also offers whole genome sequence analysis of isolated bacterial strains. These whole genome data can be used for epidemiological purposes (e.g., MRSA outbreaks) or to support the clinical development of targeted anti-bacterial therapies. This service can be combined with traditional culture-based microbiology diagnostic services.

16S microbiome pipeline

A bacterial pipeline using next-generation sequencing data of the 16S region. The pipeline consists of the following features:

Fast Q Files

Data QC and pre-processing


Diversity analysis

Microbiome Analysis Using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Next generation sequencing (NGS) allows for the simultaneous analysis of the gene’s coding for the 16S ribosomal RNA for bacterial identification and the ITS (internal Transcribe Spacer) region for the characterization of fungal species. This is possible due to hundreds of thousands of copies of DNA sequences.

The obtained sequences are compared with well-known sequences of bacterial or fungal genes detailed in the Silva algorithm (97%.) This novel test is performed on stool samples and allows the mapping of the intestinal bacterial and fungal flora including the species that cannot be cultivated.

A female scientist in a dark lab room carrying out DNA sequencing.

Get in Touch With Our Genomics Team

Reach out to our genomics team and see how we can help advance your research.

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Reach out to our genomics team and see how we can help advance your research

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